We has achieved technological innovation in Korea, the world's No. 1 innovative country although no one can guarantee the rapid transition to the era of un-contact along with the 4th Industrial Revolution, which will lead mankind to a new wave of change.
In order to restore damaged environments and conserve, and contribute to the realization of a safe and happy life for the next generation, we will commercialize already developed eco-friendly low-carbon technologies.
We has achieved electric energy savings for 20 years since 2000 for humanity, and has been certified as an Eco-friendly Green Building Product in October, 2015 in Singapore. In order to satisfy customers' needs and meet the demands of the times, the product has been upgraded so that users can remote control by integrating green digital technology with IoT.
Now, by consolidating these capabilities, we are challenging other science and technology items such as hydrogen vehicle batteries, 5G communication equipment, and medical items.
How enjoyable the challenge to pursue human happiness is!
We are grateful to the owners and employees of global telecommunications companies, data centers and foundry companies who have consistently trusted the technology of KSE Co.,Ltd and have purchased the products.
1kwh savings equal 0.23314kg Co
2 reduction so KSE Co.,Ltd will continue its efforts to reduce carbon footprint through energy savings.
Thank you very much!
Michael Kwon